Bookrace 2015

The Race begins at Noon on Jan 1st 2015. We check in throughout 2015, and the person who’s read the most by Noon on Jan 1st 2016 wins.

Everyone pitches in $5; we buy a gift certificate for the winner with half, and we donate half to a literacy charity (to be voted on during the month of January)

Contest Rules

Poetry gets an automatic 10% word count bonus, because it’s language is typically sparse but the content is dense.

Anything published more than 100 years ago gets an automatic 10% word count bonus, because you’ll be struggling through language that’s outside your contemporary idiom.

My participation

Contest finished at: 15 January 2016


1st maria_toasted 154849.5
2nd megelison 83441.0
3rd ghostwritingcow 72687.5

The graph (difficulty points)